The Indien-Insitut e.V. München’s mission and aim is to bring India’s manifold cultures in their numerous traditional and contemporary aspects as well as their development into a modern society into the focus of the broad public, especially in Bavaria.
Through infomative events and lectures, the Indien-Institut acts as a dialogue partner between India and Germany and facilitates the mutual understanding and friendship between modern India & modern Germany. Lectures, Seminars, concerts, Performing Arts, workshops, exhibitions, films and media information on a high level concerning important issues regarding India and its potential of cultural exchange with Germany.
Since 2001, the Indien-Institut has been awarding a bavarian youth award, which has since been granted three times.
The INDIEN-INSTITUT e.V. is a charitable non-profit organisation and funded through membership fees as well as subsidies and donations.
The annual minimum contribution for a membership is:
- Regular members: 60 €
- Family: 70 €
- Students: 20 €
- Businesses/Institutions: 300 €
The tax deductibility depends upon the valid legislation of the State.
Vorstand / Board Members:

Vorsitzende: Brigitte Molnar.
We are supported by the “Consulate General of India, Munich, Germany”.
Shri Shatrughna Sinha, IFS